πŸ‘₯Wallet Groups

Group Multiple Wallets into One

The Wallet Groups feature allows you to analyze and track multiple wallets as if they were one single wallet. This feature is useful to:

  • Analyze the profitability and trading strategy of a trader who uses multiple wallets to obscure their track record.

  • Observe what a trader is minting across multiple wallets, which are used to bypass per-wallet minting limits and whitelist spots.

  • Determine the complete portfolio value of traders who operate from hot wallets and hold valuable tokens in a cold wallet, often referred to as a "Vault."

  • Map a network of scammer wallets to keep track of the NFTs they are stealing.

  • Monitor the profitability of trading strategies by grouping together traders who employ similar methods. For example, grouping arbitrage bots together to create a benchmark of the market’s arbitrage profitability.

  • Track the activity of notable wallets with the Wallet Groups feed.

  • Keep an eye on your own wallets.

Tip: Use alerts on wallet groups to receive notifications when one or more members of a group buys, sells, transfers, mints, or lists tokens.

Creating wallet groups in Compass is straightforward. You can accomplish it in two ways:

  1. Whenever you see a wallet anywhere on Compass, hover over the profile image and click 'Group'.

How to View Your Existing Wallet Groups

You can access your wallet groups in two ways:

In the Wallets tab:

  1. Click on 'Wallets', then 'Pin Group'.

  2. Select a group.

  3. Click on the wallet names on the right.

In a wallet’s overview page:

  1. Click on 'Group'.

  2. Click on the box next to a group.

Wallet Groups Activity Feed

The Wallet Group activity feed provides an overview of a group's recent activities. The feed allows you to easily stay up-to-date on what a wallet group is doing, thanks to the activity timeline and the unified activity scatterplot. By clicking on the wallets of the wallet group in the top right, you can view the complete overview of the wallet group.

Click on 'Pin Group' at the top to add groups to your Wallet Activity tab.

Last updated