๐Ÿ”—Related Wallets

At the bottom section of the wallet overview, you'll find wallets that Compass identifies as having a close relationship with the wallet you're currently reviewing.

How does Compass determine related wallets?

A wallet is deemed related if it has received at least two NFTs from the wallet you're examining.

Let's consider an example with two wallets, A and B:

  • Wallet A transfers at least two NFTs to Wallet B. As a result, Wallet B will appear as a related wallet on Wallet A's overview page.

  • If Wallet B reciprocates by sending back at least two NFTs to Wallet A, Wallet A will then appear as a related wallet on Wallet B's overview page.

The rationale behind requiring two NFT transfers includes:

  • Avoidance of false positives from one-off transfers for tax purposes, non-standard purchase transactions, NFT staking on wallets controlled by the project contract.

  • Detection of strategic transfers between wallets under the same ownership, which can be indicative of tactics to conceal profits, hide trading histories, circumvent wallet minting limits, or transfer NFTs to a secure vault or to friends and family, among other reasons.

We recommend examining similarities between related wallets. Wallets under the same ownership often have a similar ENS name or exhibit similar trading patterns.

Note: Through testing, we found that our approach minimizes false-positive matches and provides the highest correct related wallet detection.

Last updated