Trigger Advanced Settings

In the advanced settings of each trigger, you have the option to set the number of trigger events required within a specific time frame to activate the said Trigger.

The count by field determines what distinct values, or value combos to count. You can select one or multiple options from count by Token, Wallet and Collection

The Count By mechanism with examples

In the following three examples, we've created a Token Bought trigger for a Wallet Group. We show how the different count-by settings activate the trigger.

Example 1

Below we can see a table with the NFT purchases of the wallet group.

Our Token Bought trigger has the following settings: Min triggers to run: 2 Count by: Wallet

Let's see when and why our trigger activates.

The with our trigger settings, the trigger is looking for wallets that make at least 2 purchases. Therefore it will trigger on Transaction 3, 5 and 6; as wallet A purchased 3 times and wallet B purchased 2 times. The trigger will only activate when a wallet buys at least 2 times from any collection and any token.

Example 2

In this example we've set the default settings for the Trigger.

Our Token Bought trigger has the following settings: Min triggers to run: 1 Count by: Token

The trigger is looking for transactions that have purchased a token. Therefore it will trigger for every single transaction.

Example 3

In this example, we've picked both Wallet and Collection as count-by values.

Our Token Bought trigger has the following settings: Min triggers to run: 2 Count by: Wallet,Collection

Here, the trigger is looking for the same wallet to have at least 2 purchases from the same collection. In other words it is looking at least 2 instances of the same Wallet-Collection pair.

It will trigger for transaction 5 as only Wallet A has purchased 2 or more times from the DOODLES collection.

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