๐Ÿš€Getting started with Wallets

Guide to getting started with Wallets on Compass

Understanding Wallet Analytics with Compass

Compass provides powerful tools to understand and analyze any wallet's trading style and track record. This guide will help you learn how to utilize these tools effectively.

Historical Profitability

You can view a wallet's historical profitability. This feature provides insight into the financial performance of the wallet over time.

Grouping Wallets

Compass allows you to group multiple wallets into a single entity. This feature can be useful when managing multiple wallets or tracking the combined performance of several wallets.

If you want to find wallets related to a specific one, Compass has a feature for that too. By using this feature, you can identify wallets that may share similar trading patterns or strategies.

Winning and Losing Flips with Cost Breakdown

Compass provides a detailed view of each wallet's winning and losing flips, complete with a breakdown of costs. This data can be crucial for understanding a wallet's trading behavior and outcomes.

Full Transaction History with Powerful Filtering Options

Compass keeps track of all Bidding, Purchasing, Listing, and other transactions made by a wallet. Moreover, it provides powerful filtering options that help you drill down and analyze specific types of transactions.

Viewing Tokens Held

You can view all tokens held by a wallet. This feature also comes with powerful filtering options, allowing you to sort and analyze the tokens based on your preferences.

[Place a screenshot or gif here showing how to view and filter tokens held by a wallet]

Remember, understanding the trading behavior of a wallet can be a crucial factor in your own trading strategy. Compass provides the tools you need to do just that in a clear, easy-to-understand manner.

Last updated