Own Wallets
Your own wallets in Compass
'Own Wallets' is a default wallet group in the Wallets tab that consists of the wallets you've connected to your Compass account.
To add wallets to this group:
Open your MetaMask.
Switch to the wallet you want to add.
Click on 'Connect to Compass'.
Choose 'Link wallet to existing account'.
When connecting a new wallet to Compass, you can either link it to your existing Compass account, which allows you to log in using that wallet as well, or you can set up a brand new Compass account with that wallet. Linking multiple wallets to Compass lets you easily log in from your phone using a wallet added to the MetaMask app on your phone.
Tip: If you want to add more wallets to your 'Own' group, it's easier to simply create a standard wallet group and add wallets to that group. This way, you don't have to connect your wallets to Compass.
The wallet's 'Collections' page shows the historical profit and loss a wallet or wallet group made from a collection.
Wallet Tokens with Filtering
The 'Wallet Tokens' tab lets you browse the portfolio of a wallet or wallet group with powerful filtering capabilities.
Note: The 'Hide Spam' option filters out tokens that are from 'Dead' collections and have been airdropped to the wallet.
Tip: Hover over the 'Collection' name, above the image of the NFT, to see more info like floor price and top bid.
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